Telarah Public School

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Telephone02 4932 8477

General School Information

Administration Office

Telarah Public School Administration Office Hours are between 8.30am and 3.30pm daily

Bicycles and Scooters

Students in Primary School - Years 3-6 - are permitted to ride bikes and scooters to and from school. Students MUST wear helmets and obey the road rules. Bikes and scooters are to be walked into the playground and placed in the racks provided near the Canteen. It is recommended that bikes are chained not locked. 

Parents/carers are asked to maintain bikes and scooters in safe working order. 

Car Parking

Parking spaces around the school are very limited and the area experiences a lot of traffic at the beginning and end of school days. Parents/carers are requested to use designated kerbside parking in George and Russell Streets when calling to collect their children as this is where the School Crossings and walkways are located. 

We ask that all drivers be aware of the No Parking zones around the school as Council Rangers to patrol regularly in our area and will book anyone they see parked illegally. 

Change of Address and Family Details

Parents/carers are requested to notify the Admin team immediately if there is a change in address, telephone, emergency contacts, medical or custody agreements. If there is an accident or emergency it is imperative that we have the correct details in the system. 

Change of Contact details can be completed via the School Bytes Parent Portal. This process is very important as we must have the correct information for safety and legal reasons.

Custody of Children

When children attending school are in the custody of one parent or guardian, a copy of the court orders outling the conditions should be presented to the school for the student's record. It is important that this procedure be carried out in tne interests of your child, so that the school is aware of the situation. The Department of Education has guidelines that we are required to follow. 

Student welfare is our focus and we will always put this first. Whilst custody orders may be in place, the school does not involve itself in domestic situations. 

For the benefit of the children, and in the interest of keeping things comfortable for children at school, it is our expectation that when one parent receives permission or information, it is shared with the other parent, or that you advise them that the information is readily available via the schools parent portal app - School Bytes. 

Lost Property

Some children lose items of clothing and other property. If this property has no name on it, it is difficult to return. 


Items that are found but not labelled are placed in our lost property box located outside the canteen. Parents and children wishing to examine the lost property for lost items should look here.

Personal Property

Students must accept responsibility for items of personal property that they bring to school with them. We ask that personal items be kept at home but if a child does bring toys or other pocessions to school, they are responsible for their safe keeping. 

Photographs at School 

Photographs are taken often of students at school and may be published on the school website, social media, newspapers, video, television and DoE promotion. If you DO NOT wish your child to be photographed, please indicate this on your child's enrolment form. If your child is already enrolled at our school and you would like to change their permission level, please supply the office with a written request or send notification through School Bytes Parent Portal. 

School Photos 

Every year we arrange for individual, class and special group photos to be taken by a professional school photographer. Dates and prices are advised beforehand. All money and requests are to be directed to the company taking the photos.