COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE - DoE Information for parents
By law, all children in NSW must be enrolled in school by the time they turn 6.
If your child turns 5 on or before July 31, they will need to wait until the following year before they can start Kindergarten.
If your child turns 5 after July 31, they will need to wait until the following year before they can start Kindergarten.
From the first day, regular attendance is important, friendship groups are formed and play activities teach social skills that are very important for later learning.
The Department of Education accepts few reasons for absence. In general, they are:
- the child is too sick to leave the house
- the child has an infectious disease
- the child is icapacitated by injury or unable to move around the school
- religious commitments or extended leave by arrangement with the Principal
- emergency dental or doctor appointments (although after school is preferable)
If your child is absent from school, you need to:
- ring the school, reply to SMS alert or complete School Bytes absence form OR
- send a note with your child, on the first day back, to explain the reason for absence
Please note:
It is a legal requirement that all absences be notified to the school within 7 days.
Verbal notification or written notes are also required for:
- any absence (whole or part day) including arriving late or leaving early and leaving the school grounds
- travel variations eg. if someone different is collecting your child
Tips for setting up regular routines
- have a set time to go to bed each night
- have uniforms and school bags ready the night before
- have a set time to make lunches
- have a set time to get out of bed each morning
- have a set routine for school mornings
- no TV/iPad time until they are ready for school
- be firm, children MUST attend school
- provide lots of positive encouragement
Education for your child is important and regular attendance at school is essential for your child to achieve their educational best.