Telarah Public School has a well-established Library which is widely used by teachers and students across the school. Our Library has its own instagram page - follow @telarahpslibrary to see all the wonderful things that happen within this space.
All classes have timetabled access to the Library. During this visit they will borrow books and have a lesson that incorporates library and information technology skills. The skills will vary depending on their grade but during their time at Telarah Public School they will:
- learn about different authors and illustrators
- learn how to research topics using books and the internet
- learn how to care for books and effectively search for resources
- be exposed to a wide range of quality literature including new resources
- develop ICT skills as part of their class program/project based learning
The library is opened to students during lunch and recess for them to access games, have reading time, drawing activities and computers.
Every child is asked to have a library bad in order to take books home. Students in Stage 2 and Stage 3 wishing to borrow books for reading in class do not require a bag.
Scholastic Book Fair
Twice a term your child will take home an issue of the Scholastic Book Club. Book Club offers a convenient way to purchase the best books at discounted prices. Orders are made using LOOP online ordering (no cash orders). It is extremely easy and convenient to order and pay for Scholastic Book Club using LOOP and our Librarian is available and happy to help.