Administering Prescribed Medication at School
Parents/carers of students who require medication to be administered at school must complete a Request to Administer Prescribed Medication and provide a letter from the medical practitioner stating the details and dosage of the medication to be given.
Admin staff will follow up on this during the enrolment process if stated. If your child is already attending school and begins taking medication, the form will be emailed to you via the Parent Portal to complete and sign, before the distribution of medication will begin.
Medication must be handed immediately to the Adminisration Team for recording upon arrival. All medication received from students, parents/carers is counted and verified by two Administration officers. Parents/carers should supply correct dosage of the medication, where possible, on a weekly basis in the container dispensed by the chemist with a pharmacy label.
All student medications are kept under lock and key in Sick Bay and it is the student's responsiblity to report to Admin at their allocated time to recieve their medication. Except in an emergency, only trained staff members will adminster and record the taking of prescribed medication.
Where students have acute health conditions, Individual Health Care Plans my be developed. Health Care Plans must be developed for students who:
- are diagnosed with severe asthma, type 1 diabetes, epilepsy or anaphylaxis and/or
- are diagnosed at risk of an emergency and/or
- require the administration of health care procedures
Temporary Medication
If a student has a temporary illness, the parent/carer must first decide if the child is well enough to attend school. If your child does require medication such as anitibiotics during school time, you must report to the Administration Office to complete the necessary paperwork before medication can be given to your child.
Students MUST NOT carry medication on them when at school.
Allergies, Disbilities, Special Medical Conditions
It is very important that all information about special medical conditions, allergies, physical disabilities or other health concerns is given in written form to the school, ensuring all action plans for allergic reactions or anaphylaxis are supplied from the doctor. this information is updated to the Departments central student file to ensure the safety of the student whilst at school.
An overview of all children with medical conditions are provided to classroom teachers.
If there is a change to your child's medical or health record then please notify the Admin Team to ensure all information in our system is current.

Asthma Medication
All students who have Asthma are entered into the Asthma register for emergency treatment purposes, so it is especially important that you inform us if your child suffers from Asthma.
We require a copy of the Asthma Action Plan you developed with your Doctor, along with a Ventolin and spacer. All this information is kept together in our clinic where we can supervise and record when your child has required the medication. Any changes need to be provided immediately to ensure correct procedures are followed by our staff.
Accident/Illness at School
If your child is ill before school, it is better for them to stay home to avoid the spread of infection.
In the event of a student becoming ill or injured while at schhool, a parent/carer will be informed by phone as soon as possible. Minor injuries and student visits to sick bay during the day will be recorded and parents advised by SMS each afternoon.
If the parent/carer and emergency contacts have been unable to be contacted and the student's condition deteriorates, then the Principal or nominee will determine the course of action. If required Ambulance Assistance will be required.
The parent/carer or nominated person collecting the student will be instructed to sign a form to fulfil the legal requirements of attendance.
Ambulance Cover
The school pays a comprehensive ambulance subscription which covers all children while in attendance at school and on excursions. This covers transporting injured students from the accident scene to the hospital only and does not cover the return trip home if required.
If you ever require this service and recieve an Ambulance bill, please present to Admin and inform them of the details so payment can be organised.
Infectious Disease and Minimum Exclusion from school
Please refer to NSW Health Infectious Disease Fact Sheet for detailed information on systems and isolation periods