Telarah Public School

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Policies and procedures

Licensing Regulations

Telarah Public School Public Preschool complies with appropriate State and National Licensing requirements. 

National Accreditation: Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)

Telarah Public School Public Preschool is governed by the policies and procedures of the NSW Department of Education. 

Educators at Telarah Public School Public Preschool are committed to ongoing improvement and progress towards the National Quality Standards. 

Accordingly, Department of Education policies and school procedures are documented which govern the administration and operation of the centre. These are available for families to access and view on request at any time. 

The following documents outline additional information with regard to the operation of the preschool contains important information and should be read through carefully. 

These policies are reviewed and updated annually and Preschool families are invited and encouraged to contribute to this process.

Dealing with medical conditions

Providing a safe environment

Enrolment & Orientation

Governance & Management of the Service

Acceptance and refusal of authorisations

Payment of fees

Dealing with complaints

Behaviour guidance

Care of chickens

Physical activity and media

Relinquishing position

Collecting money

Complaints Procedure

Our Preschool values the feedback of educators, staff, families and the wider community in helping to create a service that meets regulation and the needs of enrolled children and their families and we encourage open communication through opportunites to respond and feedback on the program. A component of this feedback is the ability to put forward a complaint and have this managed appropriately with due consideration for accountability and quality improvement. 

  • All minor complaints and disputes will be resolved promptly and without using formal procedures. Whenever possible, informal resolution will be attempted first in all matters assessed as less serious. 
  • Families are advised to initially make complaints to our teachers, Assistant Principal or Principal, whoever is most appropriate, by appointment. Complaints will be dealt with confidentially and professionally, as per the NSW Department of Education Complaint Handling Policy: Early Childhood Education Quality Assurance and Regulatory Services Directorate, April 2022. 
  • Displayed in the Preschool foyer (on the DoE template), is the photo and name of the School Principal and a statement noting that this is the person to whom a complaint can be made. 
  • Also displayed in the Preschool foyer is a statement advising families that if their complaint is of a more serious nature, or relates to a breach of regulation, they may choose to contact our regulator E: P: 1800 619 113.