Telarah Public School

Learn to Live

Telephone02 4932 8477


Educational excursions are planned in class or stage groups as experiences to supplement and extend class programs. 

Parents are encouraged to support their child's attendance. We do realise that at times the cost factor of excursions can case some difficulty. However, our aim is that all students participate in what is often an integral part of the learning process, so we encourage you to contact the Assistant Principal if there is a financial concern so that arrangements can be made for Financial Assistance. 

Permission notes outlining all the information with relation to the excursion will be accessed via the School Bytes Parent Portal for consent and payment, with as much notice given as possible. Payments for excursions are to be made no later than 2 days before the event. Payments made later then this cannot be accepted. 

A student's participation on an educational excursion will be reviewed if the student's behaviour record is unsatisfactory, and/or, if in the opinion of the Principal the student's attendacne will jeopardise the safety and welfare of other students and staff attending. You will be contacted in advance if there are concerns about your child. any final decision will be made in consultation with parents/carers. 

Stage 2 Taronga ZooSnooz